For the provision of consultancy services for conducting environmental and social impact assessments for Waga and Gikuka small hydro power sites two in Burundi

参考: 7000006429
联合国组织机构: 工发组织
受援国家: 布隆迪
发布/截止时间: 2023-8-22 ~ 2023-9-12
Tendering Text: For the provision of consultancy services for conducting environmental and social impact assessments for Waga and Gikuka small hydropower sites two in Burundi

First name: Atsushi
Surname: ISOYAMA
Telephone country code: 奥地利 (+43)
Telephone number: 3378

J  -  服务
77000000  -  环境服务
77100000  -  环境的管理
77101500  -  环境影响评估