Invitation to Bid for the Supply and Distribution of material (Solar System Equipment’s, Stationery and PPE) for workshops at the Vocational Training centre, in Ninewa in Iraq.

参考: IRQ/ITB/23/82
联合国组织机构: 教科文组织
受援国家: 伊拉克
发布/截止时间: 2023-8-21 ~ 2023-9-11

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation invites bidders to submit a bid for the provision of Supply and Distribution of material (Solar System Equipment’s, Stationery and Wearables Items/ PPE) for workshops at the Vocational Training centre, in Ninewa in Iraq.. Your bid must be submitted electronically SIGNED as per clause 15. “Submission and Marking of Bids” by no later than September 11, 2023, before 18:00 hour Baghdad Time.

This invitation is not to be construed in any way as an offer of contract. Your bid could, however, form the basis for a contract between your company and UNESCO.

Bidders are kindly requested to acknowledge the receipt of this Invitation to Bid (ITB) and to indicate whether or not you will be submitting a bid using the Intention to Bid Form contained in Annex V and send it back to the Procurement and Contracting Officer. For this purpose, and for any requests for clarification, please contact Izzat,Ali at (

Note: Bidding for all UNESCO tenders and projects is Free of Charge. UNESCO does not require or ask for any payment or fees to participate in the bidding process. No payable bidding documents are associated with any UNESCO tenders or projects.

Ali Izzat -
First name: Ali
Surname: Izzat

B  -  工业设备及工具
26000000  -  发电、配电机械和附件
26130000  -  发电设备
26131500  -  发电厂
26131507  -  太阳能发电厂
H  -  国防、保安、安全设备及用品
57000000  -  Humanitarian Relief Items, Kits, or Accessories
57070000  -  Humanitarian logistics supplies
57070100  -  Logistics emergency kits
57070104  -  Stationery and PPE