RFQ for Credit Rating Agency report

参考: RFQ/credit rating report
联合国组织机构: 教科文组织
受援国家: 法国
发布/截止时间: 2023-8-22 ~ 2023-9-15

UNESCO wish to invite bidders to provide us with the offer for the procurement of a package of 50 credit rating agency reports which will be ordered one at a time during the course of one year. 

Keiko Ogawa - k.ogawa@unesco.org
Email: k.ogawa@unesco.org
First name: Keiko
Surname: Ogawa

J  -  服务
84000000  -  金融和保险服务
84140000  -  借贷
84141700  -  商业信贷
84141701  -  商业信贷收集和报告服务