UNCC Audio Visual Systems

参考: EOIUNECA21751
联合国组织机构: 联合国秘书处
受援国家: 埃塞俄比亚
发布/截止时间: 2023-8-25 ~ 2023-9-25
The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) invites qualified companies to respond to this Request for Expression of Interest for the provision of the following:Supply, Installation, Integration, and Commissioning Services of the CMSI, AV & RSI Hybrid Improvements Audio-Visual system at UNECA in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Since the UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE CENTER (UNCC) CONFERENCE ROOM 1 (CR1) AND CONFERENCE ROOM 2 (CR2) are under renovation, the existing AV is being removed as part of the renovations. Removal of existing AV equipment and associated supporting infrastructure does not form part of this scope of work.The United Nations is operating similar conferencing facilities in different places, including its Headquarters in New York and Geneva. Therefore, in order to standardize the use of various ICT, conferencing, and audio-visual systems, the principal concept recently implemented at United Nations Headquarters in New York and Geneva will be used as a guideline. Following such guidelines, consultancy work is already completed for detailed design and technical specifications of the system/s to be installed at UNCC. In the interest of UNECA, the tender document is prepared to allow the implementation of the project. The scope of work under this REOI is the supply of audio equipment

Email: gebreegziabhers@un.org
Mr. Solomon Gebreegziabher

G  -  商业、通讯、科技设备及用品
43000000  -  广播和通讯
45000000  -  打印、影印、照相、专用音频和视频设备及零件
45110000  -  声频、视频显示和组合设备
J  -  服务
72000000  -  建筑、设施施工和维护服务
72150000  -  专业商贸建筑施工和维护服务
72151600  -  专业通信系统服务