J-IMS System Support

参考: ITProc_RFP_007_2023
联合国组织机构: 移民组织
受援国家: 瑞士
发布/截止时间: 2023-8-21 ~ 2023-9-22

To support the J-IMS system users, IOM is seeking a partner to provide a comprehensive support team of agents capable of assisting global users with their queries and system access concerns. The following are key services:

• Help Desk Support: Offer a dedicated help desk team to address user queries, issues, and technical problems promptly.

• Log all calls and emails into the IOM Helpdesk system or forward them to Q&A desk of the government of Japan.

• Follow up with calls and emails, providing timely responses to user queries.

• Provide service five days per week, fourteen hours per day(08: to 22:00 Japan time zone)

• Monitor system performance to proactively offer support.

• Provide service in the following languages: a. a. English b. b. Japanese c. c. Mandarin d. d. Cantonese

IOM Switzerland - ITprocurement@iom.int
Email: ITprocurement@iom.int
First name: IOM
Surname: Switzerland

J  -  服务
81000000  -  工程、研究和技术基础
81110000  -  计算机服务
81111500  -  软件和硬件工程
81111504  -  应用程序设计
81111800  -  系统及系统组件管理服务